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The reason I am writing is that I am very concerned about Critical Race Theory being pushed in the the schools.
There is a high school senior in Arizona whose faith ( Christian ) was labeled as oppressive by the civics teacher and school administrators.
They wanted to help him to "unlearn it"
I am trying to warn pastors about this - it should be on their radar screens but it isn't.
I have a webpage and anything anyone can do to help circulate the URl to other pastors would be much appreciated..
To me this is a national Emergency and I hope it is treated that way.
I am also trying to suggest…
The reason I am writing is that I am very concerned about Critical Race Theory being pushed in the the schools.
There is a high school senior in Arizona whose faith ( Christian ) was labeled as oppressive by the civics teacher and school administrators.
They wanted to help him to "unlearn it"
I am trying to warn pastors about this - it should be on their radar screens but it isn't.
I have a webpage and anything anyone can do to help circulate the URl to other pastors would be much appreciated..
To me this is a national Emergency and I hope it is treated that way.
I am also trying to suggest…